The ongoing Mahakumbh-2025 in Prayagraj has witnessed an unprecedented turnout of devotees, with over 10 crore people taking a holy dip at the sacred confluence of Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati, since January 11, two days before the formal start of the mega fair on January 13
The historic milestone was achieved by noon on Thursday, reflecting the immense faith and devotion of sadhus, Kalpvasis, and pilgrims from around the world, officials said.
The state government estimates that this Mahakumbh will host over 45 crore visitors, and the early achievement of 10 crore bathers reaffirms these projections. On Thursday alone, 30 lakh devotees, including 10 lakh Kalpvasis, participated in the holy ritual, contributing to the steady flow of daily pilgrims, they said.
The bathing festivals have drawn record crowds, with 3.5 crore devotees taking the Amrit Snan on Makar Sankranti on January 14 and 1.7 crore participating on Paush Purnima Snan on January 13. The vibrant confluence area showcases India’s diverse cultural tapestry as devotees from different castes, creeds, and countries unite in faith, embodying Mahakumbh’s theme of unity.
Recognised as the largest religious congregation globally, Mahakumbh unites India’s incredible diversity into one harmonious celebration. It encapsulates elements of faith, karma, devotion, meditation, and philosophy, offering a mesmerising experience of Sanatan traditions and the universal principle of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” (The World is One Family).
The grandeur of Mahakumbh is attracting not only devotees from across India, but also international visitors. Pilgrims from nations like the USA, Canada, Germany, Russia, Fiji, Mauritius, Malaysia, Australia, and beyond are converging in Prayagraj, transforming the sandy banks of the Ganga into a global village.
The event’s cultural and spiritual significance has earned it the status of UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2017, further solidifying its global appeal.