Union home minister Amit Shah attacked Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday, claiming the toilet in the latter’s ‘Sheesh Mahal’ is more expensive than the entire slums. Addressing the ‘Slum Dwellers’ conference in poll-bound Delhi, the BJP leader claimed that the residents of the slums were deprived by the AAP government of basic facilities like clean water. Reacting to the attack, the former Delhi chief minister accused the BJP stalwart of lying.
“People living in slums of Delhi are getting dirty water. People living in slums are asking us why Delhi is the most polluted city in the world. What did Arvind Kejriwal do in Delhi in the last 10 years? If you are not able to do anything Arvind Kejriwal, then you should leave the government, BJP will give all the benefits,” Amit Shah said.
Amit Shah said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given houses to more than 3.58 crore poor people in the country.
“This is PM Modi’s guarantee and every person living in a slum will be given a permanent house. The toilet in his (Arvind Kejriwal) ‘Sheesh Mahal’ is more expensive than the slums,” he added, according to ANI.
Also read: Amit Shah hits back at Arvind Kejriwal: ‘Can he declare BJP’s CM face?’
Shah accused Arvind Kejriwal of deceiving slum dwellers and turning Delhi into a “living hell”.
“Today, I’m saying to the AAP–they have become a disaster for the people of Delhi. Not just that, Kejriwal himself has become a disaster for his own party. Wherever Kejriwal and Sisodia go, all the people of Delhi see are bottles of liquor. While the rest of the country has made progress, Delhi has sunk deeper into chaos. Open a tap, and dirty water comes out; open a window, and there’s a foul smell; step outside, and you’re greeted by broken roads. Even during Chhath Puja, people couldn’t bathe properly because of the polluted Yamuna. Garbage heaps on the streets and filth everywhere–this AAP-da has turned Delhi into a living hell,” he said.
Arvind Kejriwal replies
Reacting to the remark, Kejriwal said the people of Delhi will give a befitting reply to Amit Shah for “abusing” him and them.
“Today Amit Shah ji abused me and the people of Delhi a lot. The people of Delhi will answer this in the elections. Amit ji lied a lot to the slum dwellers. Tomorrow morning I will hold a press conference from a slum which they have planned to demolish after the elections. I will expose the dirty intentions of BJP with full evidence,” he said.